How It All Began
About The Book
Sample Images
How To Purchase
How it all began...
In September of 2001, unexpectedly I received an email from a publisher at Arcadia
Publishing. It seems the publisher had come across my personal website featuring a collection of old
postcard images from St. Paul Minnesota. It was something I had started as a hobby
just a few years early. I replied to the publisher saying "I am not an
author" and didn't think I could be of much assistance. Later the same day, I
received another email from the publisher (his name was Jeff) indicating it was fine that
I was not an author, it was "evident from my web site that I could write".
Well, 2 months later I returned a contract to Arcadia Publishing and work would begin on
"my book". You see, even at that point I didn't realize the entire
book would be composed and written by me! Realizing I was in the "inn business" and winter is a busy time,
I was given until late March of 2002 to finish the project. And so it began.
On March 27, 2002, I shipped 200 postcards, and text for almost every image to the
publisher. Within weeks, I received a proof - with my very own name as the author -
the realization that I had "written a book" had still not quite sunk in.
However, in June of 2002, advance copies of the book were shipped to me. By now it
was real, I was holding in my own hands actual copies of a book with my name as the
author. In July of 2002, the book became available nationwide when it was added to
the available titles at major book sellers online. Of course it's available in many bookstores, especially those
in and around Minnesota's Twin Cities. But you can order it from your local book
store on the corner too.
About the book...
Although it seemed a little odd to be writing a book about Minnesota while living in
Vermont, it had been less then a year after leaving Minnesota that I was contacted to do
this project. Collecting some facts and data from 1200 miles away became somewhat
challenging at times. Thank goodness for the Internet - and books I had acquired
while living in the Twin Cities. In any event, you can now own your very own copy of
"Minneapolis and St. Paul in Vintage Postcards". If you have ever lived
in, or been to Minnesota, or have any interest in history or America "the way it use
to be", you're sure to enjoy this collection of 200 images dating back as far as the
early 1900's. The book contains a special dedication to my father. You see, I
learned much of what I know about our past from what he taught me. My Dad was very
interested, and informed in the world of politics, so it is only fitting that the
dedication page includes an image of the Governor's Reception Room at Minnesota's State
Capitol. Sadly, as some of you know, my Dad
passed away in February of 2002, a few months before the book was completed. I know
he would have been very proud of this accomplishment.
The 128-page book includes 200 images and 8 chapters:
- The Hotels (Including The Ryan, The West, The St. Francis, The Curtis and Many More)
- Street Scenes, Bridges and Streetcars (Includes Robert, Wabasha, Kellogg, Nicollet,
Gateway Park and More)
- Places of Worship
- Minnesota's State Capitol
- Around The City: St. Paul (Includes Union Depot, The Lowry Building, The Emporium and
- Around The City: Minneapolis (Includes Dayton Dry Goods, The Plymouth Building, F.W.
Woolworth and More)
- Lakes and Parks (All the popular spots including Lake Calhoun, Loring, Phalen, Como and
- The Theatre (Features The Original Orpheum Theaters of Both Cities)
Here are a few actual
images found in the book (click the image for a larger view): |
The Radisson, Minneapolis |
Robert Street, St. Paul |
The Hotel St. Paul |
Lake Calhoun Drive, Minneapolis |
The Selby Avenue Streetcar Tunnel |
I hope you will be able to add it to your collection! And maybe one day, when I have
time to collect a few more hundred postcards, I'll have a chance to write another book
about America's past.
How To Purchase...
If you have a favorite neighborhood bookstore (especially those of you in the
Twin Cities), it is always suggested you try there first - simply provide them
with the title and/or ISBN number and they should be able to locate it for you.
You can also order it
and St. Paul in Vintage Postcards - A Book by Christopher Clay (Autographed
Copies Available)
ISBN 0738519820; Publisher: Arcadia
Thank you for taking a moment to stop by!
Would you like to purchase your very own vintage
postcards? I have several hundred postcards available for sale online -
including several from St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Click here to browse the collection.
Last Updated, March 2004