"A Seaside Ghost Town"
...Trying to Rise Again...
Text and Images by
Christopher Clay
Originally Composed in 1998 - Occasional Updates through 2008
June 2014
While a "new" Asbury Park bustles in many
areas, and tourists have returned, roots to the original seaside resort are
all but destroyed leaving many vacant lots dotting the city. The tide
has changed (generally) for the better, but the new results are a distant
memory of the famous resort. Lodging once a staple of Asbury Park (the
Metropolitan, the Albion and so may others) remains scarce. The
Empress Hotel is the best option but not for all traveler types, especially
families. The mammoth Berkeley Carteret has failed to rise to the
occasion. B&B's and Inn's in Asbury Park and nearby towns are scarcely
replacements in sheer volume. More photos and news pending.
From the Last Updates in 2009 and Prior...
When this
site was first developed, it was one of the first to document the plight of
a true Jersey Shore Ghost Town. My first visit to the city after
graduating college was in 1988. I started taking photographs on each
visit. The city would continue to decline for more than a decade.
Not until the start of the 2000's did Asbury Park begin to see a return to
Today, in
2009, while no
longer the ghost-town it was in the 1980's and 1990's, in my estimate, the
future of Asbury Park will not resemble the once glorious Asbury Park resort
of the past. It will offer million dollar condo's on the ocean. West
of the train tracks, it will likely serve as a reminder of the urban blight
that has plagued the city for so long. Meanwhile, I'll continue to
document Asbury's famous I have done online since 1998.
This site shares images of several landmark
hotels, most of which have met the fate of destruction. It also
includes a History of Asbury Park, as best I have discovered, from it's
start in the 1800's to present day Asbury Park.

Image Above from 1997 photographed by Chris.
A decaying pedestrian
walkway stretches from a deserted beach to a deserted boardwalk, proudly displaying the
"Welcome to..... Asbury Park".
Photo Footnotes 2006: The walkway pictured
above has been removed. The building to the right has received a facelift
as part of the "revitalization" efforts, but remains empty (Footnote
2008: Businesses are now operating along the boardwalk). The boardwalk
boards have been replaced. The beaches in this northern section of Asbury
Park, close to the Berkeley Carteret Hotel are still closed (as of August 2006).
A new condo project is being constructed just north of the Berkeley Carteret and
boasts 1.2 Million Dollar Penthouses! Per an article in a 2006 issue of
New Jersey Monthly, the average sale price of a condo in this new development
will be about $700,000.
Why These Web Pages
Welcome to my web pages intended to help preserve
the memories of Asbury Park and to raise awareness regarding it's current state of
affairs. Growing up along the New Jersey Shore in the 1970's and 1980's, one always
maintains a love, a connection to this magical place along the Atlantic Ocean.
Throughout the web site, you will find memories of many places, including several in New
Jersey. The viewpoints and opinions are my own. Factual information has been
researched on the internet, found in books or news articles or been emailed to me by the
many who have visited this site. A very special THANK YOU
to everyone who has written or shared a memory in the Guest Book. It is for YOU that
these pages are dedicated and for so many who remember the "good old days" at
Asbury Park. Like most, I only wish for the preservation of those places still
standing in Asbury Park and a return to the prosperity for the city.
Because I am not currently a resident of the town, it is difficult for me to maintain a daily record of
events concerning Asbury Park. I thank the many dedicated individuals in and around
Asbury Park who are fighting the battle every day! Your efforts do
make a difference. With that, I invite you to visit my site, read about Asbury
Park's rich history and remember the city through images collected throughout the 1900's.