"Life Images"
Friends, Family, My Pets, Places,


Some of My Favs:

Summer Storm (Sommersturm)

Family Guy

Studio 54


Frasier: The Complete First Season

Cabaret (Liza)
Some incredible
programming from the folks at Showtime:

Queer As Folk:
The Final Season

Queer As Folk: The Complete Second Season
[DVD] |

There are a few places on my site you can learn more about me. This page, a
blog of sort, my Vital Stats page, the Photo Gallery, and well, all the
other links that tell you about people,
places and things in my
life. Pick a link and surprise yourself.
July 26, 2015:
It would appear an update on my life is well
overdue here! In 2014, I moved from Minnesota to the East Coast and as of
2015, I now reside in Philadelphia! More coming soon...
September 24, 2013:
"If Fall marks the end of
summer, does the end of summer not mark the beginning of Fall?"
But this writing isn’t about the seasons, it
is about endings and new beginnings. In this book of life, I’m embarking on
a new chapter of change. By my count, I’m around chapter 16 (you can see
how well I guessed when my book comes out many years from now).
The end of October marks 9 years for me in
Minnesota (my 3rd trek to this Midwestern state, the first being nearly 20
years ago). And my, what a journey those 20 years have been. And now this
journey in my life will return me east – closer to family and many a friend
left behind, and of course to the shore on which I grew up.
This weekend as my realtor Corinne and I
stood out on my deck (Saturday it was, the last day of Summer), we gazed at
the blue skies, green grass and trees and she asked “are you going to miss
this”? And at that point I knew, the current chapter in my life would soon
be closing. For a moment, the joy associated with my next chapter faded
from my mind. Instead, like an old film projector rolling, nearly a decade
of my life played in snippets through my mind. Friends and experiences that
had come and gone and a long chapter in this book of life were saved
permanently to my memory. Without hesitation, I answered “yes”. If we’re
lucky, our memory banks replay the good and archive the bad. I’m fortunate
to have that ability for it’s how I remember the positive events even in the
darkest of times. When folks hear me speak of Vermont, they imagine
blueberry pancakes with Maple syrup, colors of Fall, snowcapped mountains
and a Newhart-esque lifestyle. But how many of them know during the same 4
year span, I lost my Father, beloved cat of 10 years Drakkar and my partner
of nearly 7?
I have the rare opportunity to move myself
and my work nearer to my family and the coast. Those who know me best have
often heard me remark, I’m not sure where I’ll end up, but it won’t
be in Minnesota and it will be near the ocean. No offense to
Minnesota – it’s been a great place to call home for many years. In
creating a new chapter, I must leave behind people who are near and dear to
me – my extended family of friends. But what I arrived here for in 2004 and
what I’m doing here now are dramatically different, to say the least.
Several of the people I was once closest to have moved away, on to their own
new journeys and chapters in their own lives.
For me, the resounding factor is to get
closer not only to my immediate family, but all my extended family - to join
in celebrations, holidays, graduations, birthdays (you get the idea). We
all do things in life that challenge us, maybe scare us, or maybe excite
us. I’m sure it’s a bit of everything wrapped up in one. But now it’s
time. In a perfect world, we would all be closest to the ones we love
always. And until we can move through space and time at the speed of light,
the perfect world doesn’t exist. Like Vermont and Pennsylvania and all the
places I have called “home” in my life, I’ll remember Minnesota and my life
here with same fondness and same positive memories I have experienced along
the way. And for those closest to me, we’ll stay in touch, and we’ll see
each other soon – you’ll come my way and I’ll be back. After all, my
employer home office will still be here in Minnesota! For those closest
friends we make in life are always with us wherever we go on our journey…
Love & Peace, Chris
real estate link.
November 2012:
It would appear my annual
update is pending? Stay tuned. I have to get up for work in the
morning, so it will have to wait...
June 2011:
Well, looks like it's been
years since the last update, 27 months to be exact. I think it's time,
don't you?
Where do we
begin? For starters, take a step back. The original concept of
this page was a feature called 'About Me', and was written around the year
2000. Pretty simple concept. At the time, 'me' included a
partner and up to 3 cats. Today, the page is about me, and my beloved
cat Destiny (he celebrated his 13th birthday in May this year). Sadly,
Destiny and I lost his sister and my little angel Divinity on March 9, 2011.
Together, she and I battled courageously against cancer that had rapidly
invaded her little body. We both miss her dearly.
In general,
2011 started in a state of flux. So maybe I should just re-write my
path of life over the past 7 years since returning to Minnesota (Fall 2004)
after selling the Vermont Inn (May 2004). So let's do just that.
If you need a quick review of my life pre 2000, click here (it will just
move you down this page). Otherwise, let's continue.
After selling
the Inn in 2004, I stayed with my sister and her partner at their home in
Ringwood NJ for the summer. The home consisted of 3 humans and 5 cats
(2 of mine and 3 of theirs). I considered moving to Ft Lauderdale FL,
Portland OR and back to the Twin Cities. As it turns out, a 'cool' job
opportunity surfaced at Trikkx in St Paul. Still operated at the time
by the same ladies who started the venue in 1986 as Rumours, I hiked it back
west and purchased a condo in the burbs of St Paul. Life was good - I
connected with a few old friends, and made several new ones. You will
see several entries of my life in 2004, 2005 and 2006 below. So let's
jump ahead to 2007. At the end of January, Trikkx held its' 'Last
Dance'. I was DJ/VJ that final night, and the club must have been 5
times over capacity. People waited in line to get in in sub-zero
January weather in Minnesota! They had to pay their last respects.
Following this event, I took a break before starting work again in the late
Spring at the Bolt / Underground. I still hoped I could place myself
in a business that would appreciate my skill set and experience. Ha.
In the interim, I got news that my old Inn had been abandoned in 2006, was
foreclosed on by the bank and was going up for auction in March 2007.
I was devastated, but my friends stood firm against any crazy notion I had
to go to Vermont and try to get it back. As it was, I traveled to
Vermont in the Fall of 2007, for the first time since leaving. I got
to see my dear friend Keith, and sadly, see the old Inn closed up. A
new owner emerged in late 2007, and this chapter of my life was closed in
April of 2011 when I finally got back to Vermont and saw the grand old Inn
alive and well loved by the new owners Sheldon and Francy. Two amazing
hosts who are living their dream.
For the balance
of 2007, and most of 2008, I tried my best to make life work in the VJ/DJ
field. I still worked on some websites, but needed more of a
challenge. In 2008, I landed (again) what I hoped would be a new
ticket to enjoy my VJ life (VJ = Video Jockey - a form of a Disc Jockey that
spins only Music Video's). In the Fall of 2008, the economy also
tanked, and this new venue would quickly sour. Though I managed to
stick it out for a year before major cuts, I knew by the summer of 2009, it
was time to find a career again - or buy another B&B! That
August, I also took an amazing cruise to Alaska with my dear friend
It was my first cruise ever, as well as my first trek to Alaska. In
December of 2009, my buddy Josh and I took our second excursion to Ft
Lauderdale (our first being in November 2008).
As 2010
arrived, I was working at several venues, while searching for regular
full-time work. In May 2010, I thought I had found an amazing
opportunity when I was offered the GM role at a Country Inn & Suites by
Carlson. Within a very short amount of time, it was clear this
opportunity was taking a very evil turn for the worse. LONG story
short, by the end of 2010, I decided the only person who could take care of
me was me! As I often said during this horribly challenging period,
'Life is too short to live it unhappy'. So I resigned, without a job
in hand, in one of the worst American job markets since the Great
In early 2011,
I again was 'on the job market', but I had 1 amazing benefit of the GM job -
I got introduced to Carlson Companies.
In February
2011, I trekked south for my first visit to Dallas Texas. My great
friend and Alaska cruise buddy Jason had relocated there in late 2009 - for
work. We had a great 5 days, and I returned to Minnesota. The
following weeks would take me far off my job search, as I focused solely on
trying to find out what was wrong with my beautiful cat Divinity. She
had stopped eating, and I was feeding her water through a dropper. On
her first visit to the University of MN Veterinary Clinic, she was
immediately admitted for surgery the next day. While she came through
surgery with her usual strength, the results would be devastating -
aggressive cancer, high-grade lymphoma to be exact. She came home with
me 2 days after surgery, and for the next 5 days I held her, loved her and
prayed for her. On Wednesday March 9, a previous appointment with a
Holistic Vet (Dr. Sue Swanson) would instead be an end of life consultation.
With music from the CD Steve Hall Piano Orchestrations, candles and my
neighbor and friend Gloria, a service with dignity for Divinity and courage
embraced by God, I held my little girl as she was raised to heaven and
safely across the Rainbow Bridge.
In the weeks to
follow, her brother clung close to his Dad, and so I delayed my trip back
East until late April. The goal of the trip was to figure out the age
old question of "What do I want to be when I grow up". Or at least,
what the hell am I going to do next? Dubbed 'The Road Trip', I headed
out in my new Subaru and travelled across the land, through Pennsylvania,
New York, into Vermont, and of course New Jersey. Along the way, I
stopped in Jamestown NY (birthplace of Lucille Ball) and met up with Steve
and Stacia in Cooperstown NY. I had met them during my Carlson
training back in October of 2010. Steve had just rebranded his hotel
from the Howard Johnson chain to become a Country Inn & Suites by Carlson.
I didn't have a lot of time here, as I was expected in Vermont Saturday.
Here I had the great opportunity to see Keith (it had been nearly 4
years), and see my old Inn alive and well. After a few days of
catching up with Keith, Pat, Cindy, Bill, Peter and Bob, I hiked it south to
NJ. Along the way, and now in New Jersey with family and friends, we
talked of endless possibilities. Selling my place in MN and returning
to the East Coast ... buying a B&B ... just figuring out, what next. I
took it as far was meeting with a realtor in MN only to learn the market was
indeed horrific, with no imminent signs of recovery. To move would
result in a significant loss, and leave me in NJ till unemployed.
However, the upside would mean being closer to family, and my forever
longing for being closer to the shore again.
Upon my return
to MN, I started again on the job search. Within a week or two of
returning, almost set on moving, I got an email ... asking me to follow up
on a job I had applied for at Carlson Companies. Was it a sign?
Was I supposed to stick it out a little longer? The process moved
quickly, and positively, and within weeks, I was offered what I considered
to be a tremendous opportunity with a fantastic company. I couldn't
help but be thrilled and excited at the opportunity to join such an
organization. Yet, deep inside, there was a sadness. I would
have to wait a bit (bit being a few years) before considering a move East.
I do want to be closer to family, and to the shore. I believe
this job opportunity came into my life for a reason. To settle me, to
place me in a safe place for several years. It's safe to say, I was
unsettled. Now I have great responsibility and a great
To sum up life
over the last decade, I have been blessed with truly wonderful friends and
family - so many of them cheering me on, and embracing my triumphs and
challenges. Loving me, and caring for me genuinely. While you
all know who you are, it's not enough to say 'you know who you are' ---
because each and every one of you have impacted me: My closest and
dearest friends: Josh, Jason, David (x2), Dennis, Keith, Skip & Louise
(see their photo's to the left). And
the new people who have entered my life and helped me to believe anything is
possible and that I am deserving: Tim, Steve, Stacia, Lee, Jaentra.
And I am blessed with a loving family, my Mom, my Sister and her partner.
Every single one of you has been so supportive. Offering homes, rooms,
apartments to stay, but most importantly your friendship. I am very
thankful. If I could have you all together in one place, life would be
perfect! But for those far away, we are always close in spirit. And
with a normal job again, I will get to see the ones far away every year too.
I wouldn't
change my incredible path in life - from Hotel Management in the 1990's, to
my first 'corporate' jobs in the late 90's, to owning and operating an Inn,
to nightclub management and performance, and my newest endeavor. Who
knew this quick update would be a small novel nearly 90 minutes later!
Now that you have the most current update, feel free to take a look (and get
a few laughs) at the unedited updates below!
Next goal?
New photo albums! I want to start building them on my own site again,
as they originally were with less reliance on Facebook.
Well as Elmer
Fudd, or Bugs Bunny said, that's all folks! Stay tuned for the next
journey...life is a journey!
March 2009:
I am in the never-ending
process of updating sections of this site. It will never be complete, a work
always in progress. Spring is fast arriving in Minnesota - and for
several months we'll forget the cold, bitter cold, snow, ice and darkness
that plagues us for a few months here. But be certain, it will return
again. I am still very much enjoying living my passion for Video
Entertainment (details in the DJ-VJ section). But the next major turn
in life is yet unknown. I have too much entrepreneurial spirit in me
to work for someone else. So will that result in a future business
endeavor down the road? Stay tuned. One of my very best friends
Josh moved in to my extra bedroom in January, replacing my other dear friend
David who opted to return to Minneapolis. Driving our metro highways
during rush hour, in winter, is not that fabulous. Unlike Josh though,
David was handy, and did an amazing job re-painting nearly my entire condo!
Now that's a friend. Starting to think about my annual NJ Shore trek
to visit family and friends on the coast. I'll finally meet my only
online best friend this summer. We've been connected via Asbury Park
and music and history for about 5 years now! I could keep writing, but
I'll never get the rest of these pages uploaded, so watch for another
installment many months from now!
Oh, and Happy St Patrick's Day!
October 2008:
Update 101 ...
1. New Venue at Camp! It rocks
--- more...
2. I'm getting away to Ft
Lauderdale in November!!!
3. My Former Vermont Inn
Got a New Owner in late '07!
Click for More...
4. I got an awesome new
Gateway Laptop! To replace my not-so-awesome HP Laptop, which
would have been 4 years old in Spring '08, had it not started having
hardware failures. Update: I still love the Gateway!
5. What else? I'm
still single. I could try a little harder to actually make some
dates happen.
6. Thinking about a trip
to Ireland in 2009 for Mom (and me)!
7. Liza plays in New York City in December 2008! Someone take me!
February '08 - It's a major election
year. Probably going to be McCain against Obama. That's my
forecast (I made that in February 2008!) Considering all the great leaders that won't stand a
chance, I think the choice is clear. We simply cannot put into
office another leader (McCain) who will continue to murder our men and
women of the Armed Forces by leaving them in Iraq.
June 2008:
you think I might have had something to say in nearly a year? I have
actually, just not for the world to read. Life is good - there's a new
"person", my friends are the world to me. Hanging in there with all
the political mess, gas prices, Iraq, jobs, homes. Not the best time
in America's history. But we persevere.
A lot
happening in my life and the world ... stay tuned for more.
Life Continues in Minneapolis! With Regular Performances at the
HOTTEST Dance Club -
The Bolt
Underground - Beginning May 25! No Cover on Friday Nights -
Lots of Street and Lot Parking - Awesome Patio - 3 Bars, 1 Address - All on
Washington Avenue in Mpls! Also ... (More...)
April 1, 2007:
Where's Spring? Finally booked my trip to Portland. Check out new
Video's at my
VJ Page.
March 10, 2007:
Trikkx is a memory that is hard to shake (more...)
February 10, 2007:
I Met
Randy Harrison at the Guthrie Theater, (After Seeing The Glass Menagerie)
THE Randy Harrison (aka Justin from Queer As Folk). After the Saturday night
performance (which was outstanding), my friends and I stopped in the Target
Lounge for a cocktail. In walked Harriet Harris and Randy. I think my heart
stopped for a moment. My friends and I waited at the bar for our drinks,
while Randy ordered 2 glasses of Red Wine for Harriet and himself. Bill
McCallum, another star of the show, joined them a short while later. The
lounge was rather quiet, maybe 20 or so people. A gentleman approached their
table, and spoke for quite some time. Afterwards, I decided life doesn't
present these opportunities very often, so with pen and ticket in hand I
approached their table and politely asked them for their autographs, which
they graciously provided. All three of them were so kind, so polite, so
friendly. We chatted for just a few minutes before I excused myself from
their table. Though I could have stayed all night. Randy's smile warmed the
entire room!
I skipped back to our table like a little schoolgirl (really) and collapsed.
Not really, by now, I was floating on cloud 9! If you get the chance,
go see the Guthrie Theater (enchanting) and don't miss this over-the-top
Broadway quality performance. (As Posted at my
MySpace Blog).
American Idol Season 6 Has Begun! And I think we have a winner in Matt Sato
from Maplewood Minnesota. I mean, he has a great personality, and his rendition of
"California Dreaming" was spectacular! And he's from MAPLEWOOD MINNESOTA!
Good luck Matt - win or lose, you have talent - and you got the ticket to
January 2007:
New Years Friends & People Reading this who I do not know...
was quite a year, and 2007 is shaping up to be one of change as well.
This month marks the end of an era, more details in another day or 2.
2006 saw the closure of my old Inn in Vermont, which haunts me a bit.
Lots more to talk about soon. Trying to resolve all these issues of
closure lately, I think that happens as we end one year, and start another.
We realize all those things still ever-present on our brain and in our
love and happiness to everyone in 2007!
November 2006:
What a
Fall - Streisand in Concert, the Pet Shop Boys in Concert, the closing
of Boom! and Over the Rainbow, the "not-closing" of Trikkx (update
here), lots of great new music
and video, other nice "stuff" that I am not writing about here (all good)!
And I won the Lavender Magazine Fab 50 Award for Best DJ! I saw Barbra
Streisand perform in concert at the Xcel Energy Center in St Paul on Tuesday
night, October 24. 46 years later, and she is still a divine voice in
music. She brought the crowd to their feet over and over again, and
performed 2 encores, still to a standing crowd. If she could have kept
singing, we never would have leaved. And with all the beautiful music, and
the laughter, came a reminder to all of us, the "people" to act, to follow
our hearts.
concerts were exceptional - the Pet Shops are still just as fabulous, no, even more so, then they
were in the 80's! Note: Using too many exclamation points.
Speaking of music, I added some of my video mixes at
anyone? Aaaah, no. Applications accepted.
Though there are a few people out there who should call - you already have
my number.
Already thinking about life in 2007. I changed the music on this page
(now "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol). God, it's a beautiful song.
This is a live acoustic version (yeah, the same song of the video on the
front page, but a different version). Click the play button if you
want to hear this version.
May / June 2006:
me to Hollywood ...
read more.
Ooops, got the "thanks for applying" letter...
<<< Twin Cities GLBT Pride Parade!
March 2006:
As my
close friends know, I have been challenged recently by attempts at "dating".
You see, dating in the mid 2000's is nothing like dating in the 1990's.
No one believes a word you say, even after you say it over and over.
"Jaded" is a popular term these days people (including myself) have come to
use to describe how they feel about the whole dating scene.
recently, that experience changed for the better, more like a 110% turn
around. Something amazing happened - I went on a date (well, it was
our first meeting, so we tried not to term it a date). It most regards
it was, we had dinner, followed by a few hours of conversation. The
night ended with a hug, not 2 people jumping into bed together. It was
spirit-lifting, proof there is hope. So, yes, it is possible to "date" in 2006.
And it feels good...really good.
October 2005:
Gee, I
haven't added anything since May! Hmmm... Well, October was a big
month for me - I had another birthday - and wow, it was quite the party.
Check out the photo gallery for more. Life is still good --- it
generally has its ups and downs. But I know is was on quite a high in
the Spring thanks to someone special. They're not in my life now they
way I would have liked, but "it's all good"; still thinking I can change
that part. I always do. Lots of special people in my world, and
for whom I consider myself very fortunate to share my life with. A
special thanks to Todd, Tony and Jason for making my birthday extra special
this year!
Hi all
- this is sort of my journal, or "blog" or something like that.
Ramblings of life you might say. I started my personal site in the 2nd
half of the 1990's, and this is what it's come to (not sure if that is good
or bad). This page started as a "About Me" page, which you can still
here. Have fun... Oh yes, and life is
good right now.
February 2005:
Wow, I
finally updated the Photo Gallery section - what a project. Let's see,
that just leaves updates for the Asbury Park, Christian Admiral, Disney,
Movie Guide, and all those new sections I want to add.
Too bad this
isn't a paying job. Just to prove I added new pictures to the mix,
included a "recent" one of me, taken in August 2004. Believe it or
not, that one was taken in Chester Vermont (3 months after my departure from
the quaint country village). I am doing one of my favorite things -
relaxing! Now who would like to join me in the swing? It can be
real romantic at night, under the stars...
January 2005:
2005 - already?
December 2004:
It's December,
Santa comes, Hallmark makes us cry, Frosty the Snowman is rerun, winter
arrives, and we say farewell to another year. For about 50% of the
population, 2004 will be remembered as the year we lost the election, for
the other 50%, the year "they" won. As for me, after my summer
journey, I ended up (for the third time) in Minnesota the end of September.
By the end of October, I was closing the deal on my new Town Home, about 7
miles from Downtown St Paul. After all the peace and quiet of
Minnesota, I opted to give the cats some "green space", and in the process,
save quite a bit on parking and maintenance by choosing to live in the "burbs",
not the new downtown mecca that St Paul is fast becoming. I have a
cool manageable space (no yardwork, no shoveling, no painting) - 2 bedrooms
(well one is my office), 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen, a deck and a garage -
and the kind that is connected so I don't have to go outside in the
sometimes cruel Minnesota Winter. The new career move is going well -
a lot more work than expected, but thus far a good move! I'm looking
forward to the Holiday season without the "Innkeeper" hat. But I will
always look fondly on the "Vermont Years" - and
no doubt it will all look simple at times. I know I miss the way of
life in Vermont - I don't think it exists anywhere else in this country of
ours. But I also like the drive from my suburban flat into the bright
lights and stunning skyline of the city!
October 5, 2004:
Sometimes good things happen that make you spin...things that let you know
your heart (and hope) is still alive and well. People come in and out
of our lives for various reasons, and various times, in various places.
People with whom we have
connected with in our past, and with whom we have never forgotten.
now the rest of the story - I am officially back in Minnesota, working again
(yikes), but having a grand time of it. Life has been extremely busy,
but in good ways. More in the weeks and months ahead.
OK, so
you REALLY want to get to know me? Check out my new
September 2, 2004:
summer journey is complete, as is summer it seems. I am truly blessed to
have so many friends consider me as "family" that the decision of where to
relocate has been most difficult. Since my immediate family is in New
Jersey, I reached deep inside to see if I could find a place in this state
that would serve me as a home and community - but the high cost of living,
high real estate prices, and overcrowding on the highways and elsewhere
quickly put NJ at the bottom of the list (P.S. I am also first to defend the
beauty also found in the state). Ft. Lauderdale
was indeed the most fun I've had on a vacation in years - great clubs, sandy
beaches, and warm year-round. Florida actually came in last for
climate, as I like a change of seasons. Speaking of climate, Portland
won that race hands-down, but it's distance to my immediate family was
ultimately too far. Otherwise, it too was a fabulous city, full of
life, very vibrant, very cultured - and only 90 minutes from the Pacific
Ocean. And of course Skip & Louise live there! Long story short,
I could have planted myself in Florida or Oregon, or even New Jersey if push
came to shove and landed on my feet. The decision combined a plethora
of important factors, and when all the votes were counted, St. Paul
Minnesota won my heart - again. Having spent nearly 7 years there,
through most of the 90's, it is indeed my second home. That coupled
with a unique and exciting opportunity for me, the decision was made.
So by months end, I will embark on my next journey, familiar in many
aspects, but new in many others.
In the
months ahead, I hope to expand my web site with details of my travels this
summer, including a late summer vacation with Mom to Hyde Park New York,
with a quick stop in Vermont and a show at the Weston Playhouse! Plus
my favorites sights and sounds in
Portland Oregon - a
really great place!

That's Me (I'm the One on the RIGHT), Hyde Park NY,
August 2004
20, 2004:
already been more then 2 months since my venture in Vermont concluded.
Pretty soon I'll have to start thinking about a place to live and maybe even
a job! People will begin to think Innkeeping is a financially
rewarding experience...
far, I've traveled west for a week-long visit with friends and
re-exploration of St. Paul, south for a week to Ft. Lauderdale (that is one
amazing place - and if I don't more there, I'll need to vacation there at
least once a year) - and in August, I will trek to my final destination
Portland, Oregon. In between, weekend visits with friend, day trips
with Mom and lots of web stuff. I plan to make a final "destination"
decision in mid-August! Scary stuff, since both MN and FL are battling
for #1 position, what if Portland makes a play for me too?
now that you've read this far, click the Poll Link below and you'll have the
ultimate question of "telling me where to go"! By the way, I removed
the "Over the Rainbow" option, since it was holding almost 50% of the
vote!!! But you can add comments if you like.
(You can still take the poll
for "fun"):

July 17, 2004:
Lauderdale - Summer 2004
The summer
event was phenomenal! HOT (and I don't mean just the temperature), The
Beach, The Ocean, The Sand, The Clubs, The People, The Music, Gazing at the
Moonlit Sea & Sky (Priceless), Georgies Alibi, The Friends, The Lightning in the Distant
Summer Sky, The Gay Mecca, The Java Boy's, The Latin Boys, The Boardwalk (and
not one with wooden boards), and then there was The COLISEUM on Saturday Night,
and the Jackhammer and BOOM! on Sunday completed the package!
rapidly growing gay community (supposedly 2nd in size only to San
Francisco), is packed with clubs, restaurants, coffee house and gay owned
Shoppe's. For more information:
go here.
16, 2004:
Hi all
- I'm "back" in New Jersey now, staying with family in Northern NJ.
The Inn sold in May of 2004, and was purchased by a very nice young family,
ready to embark on their dream. As for me, I'm taking time off to get
some R&R, travel, visit friends, go to nightclubs, dance, visit the ocean,
maybe see a show in New York City, and travel to places like Minnesota,
Florida, Oregon, and ...?
3, 2004:
trials and tribulations of life are ever-changing, as I recently survived
one of the most scariest times in life. With that in my past, I can
focus my energy towards helping others survive. I added a page in
honor of Brent today. At some point, I
need to redesign the rest of the site so it all "flows". Yeah, we'll
get there.
March 21, 2004:
think yesterday was the first day of Spring - I hope it was...so I am in the
"process" of updating drakkar91.com - my home on the far larger then life
world wide web - the beginning and ending of life as we know it. More
then likely, there are a few site glitches what with all the changes as of
late. Patience is a virtue. Read about "My
Rollercoaster Ride".
June 18, 2003:
Occasionally, life tosses you a few curves,
that's been the case with me for the past several weeks.
Such being the case, I have edited this page
to simply include "highlights" of my life over the past years. I'll
update you all in a few months (I would like to say a few weeks, but I know
that will not be the case).
(3/2/05): The June 18 entry was just weeks after Brent's decision to end our
relationship of more then 6 years.
The photo to the right is one of my sister and I taken in the late summer of
2000 (we had dined with my parents at The Stockton Inn in New Jersey, near
Lambertville and New Hope PA).
Life - As Written in the Year 2000 (with Editing):
In October 2000, I moved to Chester Vermont
with my partner when we purchased and operated The Stone Hearth Inn. Prior to
move, I lived in Minnesota's Capitol City of Saint Paul, near
Lake Phalen!
You can meet the cats, Destiny & Divinity in the Photo Collection!
I am originally from Bayville,
New Jersey, a shore town in Ocean County, near Barnegat Bay. Be sure to check out
the History Collection which features stories and photo's of
Asbury Park,
New Jersey, home of Bruce Springsteen. I graduated from Widener University in
Chester, Pennsylvania (I actually attended classes on the Brandywine Campus in Wilmington,
Delaware). Chester is about 15 minutes south of Philadelphia, the "City of Brotherly Love" and the city
where my Dad grew up. My Mom grew up in Newark, New Jersey, a
city that has changed dramatically since the 40's and 50's when she was a kid growing up.
Prior to my life as an Innkeeper, I was employed with the Saint Paul chapter of the
American Red Cross working in the Tissue Services Division.
to joining the American Red Cross,
I worked with Minnesota Life
(formerly Minnesota Mutual) in Saint Paul. The company has been around since the
1800's and is an institution in the city of Saint Paul. Although I disagree with the
company's stance on political issues in Saint Paul, overall they are a decent company to
work for - however, their salary scale is far less then average for the Twin Cities
region. The company's current building which opened in 1981, is located at Robert
Street and 6th street in Downtown Saint Paul. This is also the former site of the Ryan Hotel, a hotel built before the
turn-of-the-century and demolished in the early 1960's. You will notice as you
travel our web site many references and information on historical places that no longer
to joining Minnesota Life I was working at Rumours Nightclub (also in Saint Paul) as a
DJ. In the years that followed, I enjoyed spinning some high energy dance music at Trikkx (located in the former home of
Rumours). I created the clubs "original" web site which premiered in the
summer of 1997. I also created and now maintain their current web site for
Trikkx. Trikkx is located in another landmark building in Downtown Saint Paul, the
Rossmor. The Rossmor Building is home to several businesses and artist coops.
During many summers in the 1990's, I often vacationed at one of my favorite beach
It's a quaint beach town on the shores of Delaware. Rehoboth Beach is often referred to as
the Nation's Summer Capitol (this because of it's close proximity Washington DC). The
resort offers fabulous restaurants, specialty shops and a host of B&B's. Spend
several days or a week if you visit. You'll need a few days just to lay on the beach
and bask in the warm sun! On my most recent visit, I stayed at the new and modern Cabana Gardens B&B.
While not historical, the B&B was exceptionally clean and featured a wonderful
continental breakfast and all modern conveniences (like air conditioning)! The location is
within walking distance of everything in Rehoboth!
graduated college in 1988, I
have had the opportunity to move several times over the last 10 years. After
graduation, I worked at the Clarion Hotel in East Windsor, New Jersey. It closed it
doors without notice around 1990. It later reopened as the Ramada Inn. You can see
(or visit) the hotel from exit 8 of the New Jersey turnpike. It was at the Clarion
Hotel I met my wonderful friend Ricky (you can see some photo's in our gallery). In
1989, I moved to Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania. Harrisburg is a wonderful smaller city, also the Capitol City of
Pennsylvania. It features everything you need in a smaller, far more polite version,
then say New York City. I stayed in Harrisburg about 3 1/2 years. I was working for
the Residence Inn by Marriott, then owned by Amerimar
Realty Company based in Philadelphia. Here I met my dear friend David (be sure to
visit our Photo Gallery)! David has now sinced moved to just north of Philadelphia.
He loves it there too, but we'll never forget the days playing at the Stallions and
Strawberry Cafe in downtown Harrisburg (be sure to check out our Nightclub Guide found in
our Entertainment Gallery)!
1993, I transferred to Cherry Hill NJ. After this year in (how do you say hell
politely?), I was offered another transfer, this one to Eagan, Minnesota, a rapidly
expanding suburb south of Saint Paul. I made the big move in April 1994. When I
departed New Jersey, it was 60 degrees, 2 days later upon my arrival in Minnesota, the low
was 17 degrees! There was just no turning back! After a transfer to the Georgetown Inn in Washington DC
the summer of 1995, I returned to Minnesota in the fall and this is where I
will stay (for now). It was on my return to the Twin Cities in the Fall of 1995 that was
the beginning of new career endeavors and the end of long exhausting hours in Hotel
